To be able to sign up for a course and join activities at Hemgården you have to be a member. A membership costs 200 SEK per year from the year you turn 19 years old. As a member you can enjoy special prices for certain events and we also host events for members only. Thank you for supporting Hemgården by becoming a member!
Please send us an email at un.ne1726298016dragm1726298016eh@of1726298016ni1726298016 to become a member. Please include the following information in the email.
First and last name
Personal identity number (personnummer)
Email address
When you have provided us with your information we will send an invoice to you. You can also gice us a call at 033-41 60 44. You can read more about becoming a member in our organizational documents here (Swedish).
Thank you for becoming a member!
Page updated 2023/07/21
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