All courses are held in Swedish unless other information is posted.
Weekend course: For beginners and experienced adults. 6 lessons/term. Price: 1550 SEK. + membership at Hemgården.
Anna Maria Persson is the course leader.
Paint during the day in the workshop at Hemgården. Bring your own paint, brushes and canvas. Thursdays 10.00-13.00. Price: 600 SEK/term + membership at Hemgården.
Louise Jensen is the course leader.
Friend groups
The groups work without leader. The participants are independent and will bring their own material.
Tuesdays at 9.00-13.00 Watercolor
Wednesdays at 17.00-20.00 oil/acrylic
Thursdays at 18.00-21.00 oil/acrylic/watercolor
Price: 600 SEK for one term + membership at Hemgården.
Weekend course with Erik Hårdstedt in watercolor
29th of September – 1st of October: For beginners
20-22nd of October: For experienced painters
14 hours total
Price: 2080 SEK.
Sign up by contacting un.ne1739253258dragm1739253258eh@of1739253258ni1739253258 or 033-41 60 44.
Page updated 2023-08-01
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